Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Second Prize (Updated Below)

Last weekend, I traveled to the lovely Wisconsin Dells, along with pals Greg and Niko (neither of whom are terrorists) for the 25th annual Dells Spells Scrabble tournament. I entered as the 13th seed out of 18 in Division I. Almost two months ago I quit playing online Scrabble, and I haven't done any kind of word study since Arden Cup in May, so my expectations were low. I set of goal of a 6-6 record for the weekend. Play began early Saturday morning. Here's a game by game breakdown.

Game 1 vs. Vincent V. Vincent is a club-mate that I haven't beaten in a long time. He started with JAWING for 50, but I came right back with FITTINGs, and was leading most of the game, until I lost a turn by challenging SCUP. Not sure what I was thinking there; it just looked bad to me. He was able to capitalize on the remaining esses, and I lost 356-413. Record: 0-1 -57

Game 2 vs. Michael D. For the second straight game, I bingoed on my first turn, this time with ALEURON. Michael tried REWATER* for a 2x2 on his second turn, which I challenged off. I couldn't block both spots for WATERER on his next turn, and he pulled a blank bingo out of the bag (I don't remember the word) on the next turn. I was able to answer with CORNEAS, but that set him up for WHEY for 49 on a triple. I got another free turn later when I challenged off AEROS*, and managed to get within two points, but his blank and S in the endgame were too much to overcome. Final score: 402-425. Record: 0-2 -80.

I was kind of irritated to lose a game in which I won two challenges, but the karma started to swing my way.

Game 3 vs. David J. This time I didn't bingo until my second turn with SODOMiTE to a triple. I led almost the whole way and prevailed 388-338. Record 1-2 -30.

Game 4 vs. Winter. This was a real back-and-forth shootout and probably the most fun game of the tournament for me. I struck on my third turn with TESTOOn, Winter hit back-to-backs with ANORETIC and REVIEWER in the top of the fifth and sixth, and I came right back with CTENOID, and clinched it with OUTLEARN. Score: 477-431. Record 2-2 +16.

I head to lunch right on pace for my goal. But I've got some tough games in the afternoon.

Game 5 vs. Lisa 0. Two impressive plays from Lisa. She used the L from my ZLOTY for a sweet 2x2: RURALITY for 90. She also got down AQUATONES for 89 later. Both were blank bingoes, but I don't remember which letters. I only managed the pedestrian STANINE. Score: 372-432. Record: 2-3 -44.

Game 6 vs. Joey M. Well, I pulled ZITHERS out of the bag for a 108 point head-start. I ran into some U-trouble on my next turns, but was rewarded when I chickened out of the clearly superior CUTUP and opted for MEOU. I got down PICAYUnE to a triple for 95, and continued to draw well enough to keep Joey out of the game. Final: 468-321. Record 3-3 +103.

Game 7 vs. Melissa R. The first bingo didn't come until the bottom of the fifth this game, when I put down LANDsmEN for a whopping 58 points. I could've gotten iNLANDs down for a few more, but having both blanks is usually too much for me to process for some reason. Melissa countered with UNHAILED, but I was able to get EROTICS a turn later, and then after playing YUM to an IOOP leave, with the idea of scoring, taking out a hot-spot, and clearing some of the crap out of my rack, I hit POISONER. No substitute for luck. Final: 438-372. Record 4-3 +169.

I was incredibly satisfied with my first day. 4-1 over my last 5 games, and it turned out I was just warming up. Sunday's games:

Game 8 vs. Steve H. The bingo early formula worked again. Holding ?BKNOOR on my second turn, I saw two of the possible eights, and Steve obligingly laid out an O for me. He came back nicely with HEADY for 45, but I laid down FETIALES for 84. I opted for this over FEALTIES, because I figured there was a small but extant chance that the former would draw a challenge, which it did. The extra turn, and continued decent draws sealed the deal. Final: 426-369. Record: 5-3 +226.

Game 9 vs. Marty M. Bingo early and often is a winning formula. For the second straight game I bingo on my 2nd and 3rd turn. This time it's WIDENER followed by UNABATED (a good Sunday word). I also get big Z, X and J plays. Final: 485-325. Record: 6-3 +386.

Game 10 vs. Mike W. SNORTED on my third turn was followed by REATONE* from Mike, which I challenged off. I was kind of surprised; although I'd only played Mike once before, I had seen a decent number of games at Twin Cities this spring (which he won), and was impressed by his word knowledge. Mike had to spend some turns fishing, and meanwhile I got down AGELESS, and later BATTERIE. Final: 490-321. Record: 7-3 +555.

Game 11 vs. Jim K. I just drew everything this game. I got VESICANT for 102 in the top of the second, as Jim struggled through tough racks. OUTFINd put the game out of reach, although I did stumble and try BAILY*, my only phony of the tournament. I got the turn back when Jim tried HOA*, and I hit MeNTORS late. Final: 495-291. Record 8-3 +759.

This put me in second place. I joked with Steve Pellinen before Sunday's games that I just needed to win out to clinch the tournament. Actually, it turned out that Joey was 9-1 going into Round 11, so I needed Lisa to beat him to have a shot, which she did. I had Joey on spread, so a win would've clinched it. The anticlimax:

Game 12 vs. Joey M. Joey opened with VESPID, and I had ?AAEGNU. I sensed there was something there, but I just didn't feel good about GUANAsE. I opted for VAU over VAGUE, thinking I had a very good chance of bingoing on the next turn. Indeed, I got tANKAGE down at 7H (the only playable bingo), but this allowed Joey to hit OXO for 42, and after a series of good plays (including TOKENED for 55, and WAISTED for 89 followed by HEMOSTAT for 64) he pulled away. The last blank allowed me to do QIs/HEMOSTATs for 72, keeping it somewhat respectable. I can't feel bad about this one, I just got outplayed by a better player. Score: 368-452.

Final Record: 8-4 +675 2nd Place. Tons of fun overall, and I'm looking forward to the Twin Cities tourney next month.

Update: I forgot to congratulate Niko for taking 2nd place in Div. 2 with a 10-2 record. We were both playing for the division win in our final games. Also my new rating is up and it's 1706! About time I made that milestone; I was at 1660 after Annapolis in May of 2007.


krzysztof said...

Congratulations. Also, I often need a dictionary to be able to read your blog but this entry just killed me in that respect:-) Fetiales?!!! Dear Lord!

BTM said...

It's okay, I don't know what half these words mean myself. It suffices just to know that they're in the Scrabble dictionary.

Unknown said...

Super Awesome dude! I just finished Word Freak and might be motivated to enter my second tournament.

Regulus said...

It's pure quixotry...

DJG said...

If you had won the tournament, next time I see you I would have cradled your face against my bicep and stoked the back of your head. But I'm not going to do it now. That type of treatment is for champions only.

BTM said...

I guess I'm kind of glad I took second, then.